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Detector DAD

Your Ultimate Resource for Detector Troubleshooting and Alarm System Solutions

Experience. Expertise. Reliability. Every time.

At, we take your safety seriously. Our team of expert writers and technicians work tirelessly to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on detectors, alarms, and troubleshooting techniques.

Whether it’s a smoke detector, gas detector, or alarm system, trust Detector Dad to be your reliable source for all things security. Stay tuned for regular updates and informative articles to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Chris Hudson

Founder and Editor

Chris Hudson

Senior Author

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Our Recent Blogs

Addressable Vs Conventional Fire Alarm System

Addressable Vs Conventional Fire Alarm System

Addressable fire alarm systems pinpoint the exact location of an alarm, while conventional systems indicate a general zone. The former offers greater precision in identifying fire incidents. Choosing the right fire alarm system is crucial for safety and emergency response…

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What is the Meaning of Fire Alarm Activation

What is the Meaning of Fire Alarm Activation

Fire alarm activation occurs when the system detects smoke, heat, or other indicators of fire. This prompts an alert to warn occupants of potential danger. Ensuring safety in residential and commercial spaces, fire alarms play a crucial role in emergency…

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Is Simplisafe Smoke Detector Hard Wired?

Are SimpliSafe smoke detectors wired

Have you ever wondered how things work around your home to keep you safe? Today, we’re going to talk about something super important: smoke detectors. And guess what? We’ll also dive into SimpliSafe, a magical tool that helps keep your…

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How Do You Know If a Smoke Detector Has a Camera?

smoke detector camera

To determine if a smoke detector has a camera, inspect it for unusual holes or lenses indicative of recording equipment. Compare it with standard smoke detectors for any discrepancies. Have you ever looked up at your smoke detector and wondered,…

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Nfpa 72 Fire Alarm Control Panel Location

Nfpa 72 Fire Alarm Control Panel Diagram

The NFPA 72 Code mandates that Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP) must be easily accessible. They are typically located in entry foyers, near the front entrance, or in dedicated electrical rooms. Ensuring the proper placement of a Fire Alarm Control…

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Do Old Simplisafe Sensors Work With New System