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Why is my Ring Doorbell not picking up everything

Why Does My Ring Doorbell Not Record Everything?

In the age of smart home technology, Ring doorbells have become a staple for homeowners seeking peace of mind and enhanced security.

However, despite their advanced features, users may encounter issues with their Ring doorbells, such as recording inconsistencies.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the potential reasons behind why your Ring doorbell may not be recording everything.

Why Does My Ring Doorbell Not Record Everything

How Does a Ring Doorbell Work?

When we discover how a ring doorbell works, we can spot the reasons why it sometimes misses recording. Let’s find out the working procedures:

Motion Detection

Ring doorbells have a special ability to detect when someone comes near your door. It’s like having a little alarm that goes off when it sees movement.

Wi-Fi Connection

Just like how you connect your tablet to the internet, Ring doorbells need to be connected to Wi-Fi so they can send you videos of what’s happening outside.

Cloud Storage

When your Ring doorbell sees something interesting, like someone ringing the doorbell or a sneaky raccoon wandering by, it records a video and sends it to the cloud, kind of like saving it to a secret online folder.

Why Might My Ring Doorbell Not Record Everything?

There are several reasons why your Ring doorbell might not be recording everything it should. Here are some of the most common culprits:

Motion Detection Settings:

Sometimes, the settings on your Ring doorbell might be too picky, and it might not notice every little movement. It’s like if you only looked up from your coloring book when someone shouted really loudly.

Find more on Motion Detection Settings:

  • Disabled Motion Detection: Make sure motion detection is enabled in all relevant modes (Home, Away, etc.).
  • Incorrect Motion Zones: Review your motion zones and adjust them to cover the areas you want to monitor. Too narrow zones or excluding important areas can lead to missed recordings.
  • Low Motion Sensitivity: Increase the sensitivity if your doorbell is only picking up large movements or at close range.
  • Motion Frequency: If you have a battery-powered doorbell, ensure the frequency is set to “Frequent” to capture more events.
Motion Detection Settings

Technical Issues:

Technical problems such as poor Wi-Fi signals may prevent your Ring doorbell from sharing videos to the cloud. It’s like trying to make a phone call with bad reception – sometimes the message doesn’t get through.

Get more on technical issues:

  • Weak Wi-Fi Signal: A poor internet connection can cause recording failures. Check the signal strength and relocate your router or doorbell if needed.
  • Storage Capacity: If you’re on the free plan with limited storage, consider upgrading to a paid plan with more storage space.
  • Outdated Firmware: Outdated software can lead to bugs and glitches. Update your doorbell’s firmware to the latest version.
  • Low Battery: Battery-powered doorbells may not record consistently when the battery is low. Charge or replace the battery as needed.
Low Battery Ring Doorbell

Hardware Malfunctions:

In rare cases, hardware malfunctions or defects may be responsible for recording failures in Ring doorbells. Components such as the camera lens, microphone, or internal storage may experience issues that prevent proper operation.

Hardware Malfunctions

Subscription Plan:

Some Ring doorbells need a special subscription plan to save all the videos to the cloud. Without it, they can only save a few videos at a time, like having a tiny backpack that can’t fit all your toys.

Other Potential Causes:

  • Improper Placement: Ensure your doorbell is mounted at the recommended height and angle for optimal motion detection.
  • Physical Obstructions: Remove any objects blocking the doorbell’s view, like plants, trees, or decorations.
  • Privacy Settings: Check if privacy settings are restricting recording in certain areas.

How Can I Ensure My Ring Doorbell Records Everything?

To make sure that your doorbell continues to record without interruption, adhere to these guidelines:

1. Check Your Wi-Fi Signal Strength

If your Wi-Fi signal is weak or intermittently drops, it can result in missed recordings.

The possible solutions to this are:

  1. Optimize your Wi-Fi signal: Position your router closer to the Ring doorbell to improve signal strength.
  2. Upgrade your router: Invest in a newer, more powerful router with enhanced Wi-Fi capabilities.
  3. Use a Wi-Fi extender: Install a Wi-Fi extender or mesh network system to extend coverage throughout your home.

2. Adjust Motion Detection Settings

If these settings are not configured correctly, it may fail to capture certain events, particularly if the sensitivity level is too low or the motion zones are improperly defined.

Play around with the settings on your Ring app to make sure your doorbell notices all the movements you want it to.

You can do the following to adjust the motion detection settings:

  1. Adjust motion sensitivity: Fine-tune the sensitivity settings in the Ring app to ensure optimal detection performance.
  2. Refine motion zones: Customize the motion detection zones to focus on areas of interest and minimize false alarms.

3. Keep Your Battery Charged

If your Ring doorbell runs on batteries, remember to charge them regularly so it always has enough power to record videos.

It’s like making sure your flashlight has fresh batteries before going on a nighttime adventure.

Make sure your Ring doorbell is correctly linked to a suitable power source if it is powered by a power source.

Consider upgrading to a higher voltage transformer if necessary, especially if you have multiple smart home devices drawing power from the same circuit.

4. Increase the Cloud Limit

Ring doorbells offer cloud-based storage for recorded footage, typically through a subscription-based service. However, if your subscription plan has reached its storage limit, it may prevent new recordings from being saved.


  • Upgrade your subscription: Consider upgrading to a higher-tier subscription plan with additional storage capacity. It’s like getting a bigger backpack so you can carry more toys with you.
  • Delete old footage: Regularly review and delete older recordings to free up space for new ones.

5. Stay Up-To-Date

Like any electronic device, Ring doorbells require periodic firmware updates to maintain optimal performance and address software bugs or compatibility issues. Failure to update the firmware may result in recording issues or other functionality problems.


Check for updates: Regularly check the Ring app for firmware updates and install them promptly.
Enable automatic updates: Opt for automatic firmware updates to ensure that your device stays up-to-date without manual intervention.

6. Fix Damaged Hardwares

Physically check all hardware, like cameras, lenses, or microphones. If you find anything damaged or malfunctioning, do the following:


  1. Contact Ring Support: If you suspect a hardware issue, reach out to Ring’s customer support for assistance. They can provide troubleshooting guidance or initiate a replacement if necessary.

How To Reboot Ring Doorbell?

There are several ways to reboot your Ring doorbell, depending on its model and your specific situation. Here are the options:

Through the Ring App (if connected to Wi-Fi):

  1. Open the Ring app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Tap the menu (☰) icon.
  3. Select “Devices”.
  4. Choose the Ring doorbell you want to reboot.
  5. Tap “Device Health”.
  6. Scroll down and select “Reboot Device”.
  7. Confirm the action.
  8. Wait a few minutes for the doorbell to restart.

Manually (for all models):

  1. Wired Doorbells: Turn off the power at the breaker for a few seconds, then turn it back on. The doorbell will automatically reboot during power restoration.
  2. Battery-powered Doorbells:
    • Quick Release Battery Pack: Slide out the battery pack for a few seconds, then reinsert it. The doorbell will reboot when connected to power again.
    • Internal Battery: Briefly press and hold the setup button (you may need to unscrew the device from the wall to access it). This will initiate a reboot.

Remember, rebooting is a temporary solution. If the issue persists, contact Ring support for further assistance.

How To Reboot Ring Doorbell

Ring Doorbell Not Recording History

If you notice that your Ring doorbell isn’t keeping a record of past events as it normally would, it can be frustrating, especially when you’re expecting a log of activity.

This could be due to various factors, such as internet connectivity issues, software glitches, or even storage space limitations on your Ring device.

Ring Detecting Motion But Not Recording

Ah, the classic case of your Ring doorbell detecting movement but failing to capture it on video. It’s like your doorbell is playing hide and seek with the footage!

This might occur because of improper motion detection settings, a misalignment of the motion sensors, or, again, potential issues with internet connectivity or device firmware.

Ring Not Recording At Night

It’s nighttime, and you expect your Ring doorbell to keep a vigilant eye on your property, but alas, it’s not recording anything.

This could stem from insufficient lighting around your doorbell, triggering the night vision mode, which sometimes affects the camera’s ability to capture clear footage.

Additionally, if your device’s infrared sensors are malfunctioning or obstructed, it may struggle to record at night.

Gaps In Ring Recording

You’re reviewing your Ring doorbell footage, only to find puzzling gaps where there should be continuous recording. What gives?

Well, this could be due to the motion detection sensitivity settings being too low, causing the device to miss certain events.

Alternatively, if your Ring doorbell is set to record in “Event History Only” mode, it may not capture continuous footage, leading to those frustrating gaps.

Blink Doorbell Not Recording Motion

Similar to the Ring incidents, if your Blink doorbell is failing to record motion events, it could be attributed to factors such as device placement, sensitivity settings, or even battery life.

Ensuring that your Blink doorbell is properly installed, with clear lines of sight and adequate power, can help alleviate these recording woes.

Troubleshooting Tips

Restart Your Doorbell: Sometimes, all your Ring doorbell needs is a little break. Try turning it off and on again, just like when you restart your toy robot, to make it work better.

Check Device Health: Use the Ring app to check if there are any issues with your doorbell’s health, like a low battery or a poor Wi-Fi connection. It’s like going to the doctor for a check-up when you’re feeling under the weather.

Adjust doorbell placement: Ensure proper height, angle, and unobstructed view.

Check night vision settings (if applicable): Enable and adjust for clear nighttime recordings.

Contact Customer Support: If all else fails, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Ring’s customer support team is always there to lend a hand and get your doorbell back in tip-top shape.


So there you have it. Your Ring doorbell might not record everything because of things like weak Wi-Fi, picky settings, a low battery, or not having the right subscription plan. But with a little bit of tinkering and troubleshooting, you can make sure it’s always ready to capture the action!

FAQs: Why Does My Ring Doorbell Not Record Everything?

Q1: Can I use my Ring doorbell without Wi-Fi?

A1: No, Ring doorbells need to be connected to Wi-Fi to work properly.

Q2: Do I need a subscription plan to use a Ring doorbell?

A2: While you can use a Ring doorbell without a subscription plan, having one allows for more features and storage options.

Q3: How often should I charge the battery in my Ring doorbell?

A3: It’s a good idea to charge the battery in your Ring doorbell whenever it gets low to ensure uninterrupted functionality.

Q4: Can I adjust the motion detection sensitivity on my Ring doorbell?

A4: Yes, you can adjust the motion detection settings in the Ring app to suit your preferences.

Q5: What should I do if my Ring doorbell still isn’t recording everything after troubleshooting?

A5: If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and your Ring doorbell still isn’t working correctly, reach out to Ring’s customer support for assistance.

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Chris Hudson

Chris Hudson

Meet Chris Hudson, the guardian of your home tranquility! Hailing from the vibrant city of Seattle, USA, Chris is not just a name but a symbol of expert vigilance. With an uncanny knack for unraveling the mysteries of smoke and alarm detection, he's the troubleshooter you've been dreaming of.

As the mastermind behind blogs, Chris imparts wisdom that turns your house into a safe haven.

From unraveling alarm enigmas to deciphering smoke signals, he's your go-to guru for all things safeguard. Rest easy, because Chris Hudson has your back and your home's front!

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